Florida Family Medicine
Political Action Committee
What is the FFM-PAC?
The Florida Family Medicine Political Action Committee (FFM-PAC) was reorganized in 2014 to elect candidates to state office who will share the FAFP’s vision of “Improving Florida’s Health Through Family Medicine.” The FFM-PAC solicits voluntary contributions from family physicians and others who support Florida’s family physicians to research, select and support the election of candidates who will legislatively advocate for the medical profession and their patients. The FFM-PAC’s goal is to raise a minimum of $50,000 annually.
Who does the FFM-PAC support, Democrats and Republicans alike?
The FFM-PAC is bi-partisan, supporting candidates of all parties that are pro-medicine. It works closely with the Florida Medical Association and other medical societies throughout Florida to identify pro-medicine candidates as they seek elected office.
Who can be a member of the FFM-PAC?
Membership of the FFM-PAC is comprised of physicians, their spouses, medical students and residents. Group practices and other organizations that support family physicians are eligible to join.
Who serves on the FFM-PAC Board?
The FFM-PAC Board & Executive Committee are comprised of FAFP physician leaders from around the state. Up to two non-physicians are eligible to serve on the board. The annual meeting is held at the FAFP Summer meeting.Those interested in serving should contact Treasurer EVP Jay Millson: jmillson@fafp.org.