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The Florida Academy of Family Physicians would like to solicit nominations for the following 2021 awards.  All awards will be presented at the FAFP Family Medicine Winter Summit in December. **Please note that if an FAFP member is an award recipient of any of the below awards in which AAFP offers the same award, FAFP award recipients will be forwarded to the AAFP for like award. For a complete listing of AAFP awards, click here.  To view past FAFP award recipients, please click here.

FAFP Family Physician Executive Award

This award was created to recognize an outstanding family physician for his or her role as a physician executive. This award is reserved for Florida Academy members whose executive skills in health care organizations have contributed to excellence in the provision of high quality health care, and demonstrated that family physicians can have an impact on improving the overall health of the nation. This award is to recognize exceptional leadership by a full-time family physician executive and will not necessarily be presented each year. The application and supporting documents must be sent together and received at FAFP no later than September 1, 2021. For more information, CLICK HERE.


Exemplary Part-Time Educator


In recognition of dedication, expertise and ability to provide the highest quality instruction to physicians in all phases of their medical training and practice in a part-time capacity. All supporting documentation, as noted below, must be sent and received at FAFP no later than September 1, 2021. For more information, CLICK HERE.


Exemplary Volunteer Educator

In recognition of dedication, expertise and ability to provide the highest quality instruction to physicians in all phases of their medical training and practice in a volunteer capacity. All supporting documentation, as noted below, must be sent and received at FAFP no later than September 1, 2021. For more information, CLICK HERE.


Exceptional Resident Scholar Award (*Awarded by FAFP Foundation)


Since 2006, the FAFP Foundation has presented annual scholarships to outstanding third-year family medicine residents in Florida.* The program is merit based, and scholars are chosen by an FAFP Foundation selection committee. The winner(s) will be awarded $1,000 each at the 2021 Family Medicine Winter Summit, December 10-12, 2021, at The Ritz-Carlton Amelia Island. The FAFP provides one complimentary hotel night and awards are presented at the Inauguration and Recognition Celebration Saturday evening. The application and supporting documents must be sent together and received at FAFP no later than September 1, 2021. For more information, CLICK HERE to download the application.


For questions, please contact Jennifer Young, CPC, CEC, CEMC, CDMP, Director of Membership and Practice Enhancement at or (904) 726-0944. We look forward to receiving your nominations!

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